Are Sleep Sacks Safe for Babies Who Can Roll Over?

Weighted sleeping bags are generally considered safe for babies who can roll over. Learn more about how sleep sacks provide a safe and comfortable way for babies to sleep without the risk of SIDS or ASSB.

Are Sleep Sacks Safe for Babies Who Can Roll Over?

Weighted sleeping bags, also known as sleep sacks, are a popular choice for parents of babies who can roll over. These blankets are heavier than regular blankets and provide a safe and comfortable way for babies to sleep. Studies have shown that sleeping bags are safe for babies who can roll over, as they allow the baby to maintain full control of their arms and be able to move their lower body freely. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents stop swaddling their children as soon as the baby shows signs of being able to roll over, or at 8 weeks of age, whichever comes first.

This is where sleep sacks come in handy, as they provide a safe and comfortable way for babies to sleep without the risk of SIDS or ASSB. Sleep sacks are designed to fit the body snugly, like a jumpsuit, and are typically less than 10% of a baby's total weight. This allows babies to move freely without being a loose blanket in the crib. Additionally, sleep sacks create a positive association with sleep and can help babies sleep better for longer.

Parents can also help their babies get used to the feeling of moving from one position to another by gently twirling them while lifting and putting them to bed. It is important to note that there is no set direction for babies to move for the first time, but parents will notice that babies tend to prefer one side at first and strengthen that side before moving on to the other side. Finally, parents can choose to transfer their babies to a sleeping bag walker (with holes for the legs) once they are standing or crawling. This will give them more time to practice balancing during supervision before they lie alone in their crib at night. In conclusion, weighted sleeping bags are generally considered safe for babies who can roll over.

They provide a safe and comfortable way for babies to sleep without the risk of SIDS or ASSB. Parents should ensure that the sleeping bag fits the body snugly and is less than 10% of a baby's total weight.

Lena Dubler
Lena Dubler

Amateur analyst. Typical travel geek. Proud social media expert. Hipster-friendly travel buff. Avid coffee evangelist.

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