How Much Sleep Does the CDC Recommend for Adults to Feel Refreshed and Energized?

Adults need 7 or more hours of sleep per night for optimal health and wellbeing. Learn more about how much sleep the CDC recommends for adults to feel refreshed and energized.

How Much Sleep Does the CDC Recommend for Adults to Feel Refreshed and Energized?

Adults need a minimum of 7 hours of sleep per night to feel refreshed and energized. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), short sleep duration is defined as less than 7 hours of sleep per 24-hour period. Signs that you are getting enough sleep include feeling alert upon waking and not being overly sleepy during the day. Unfortunately, many health care workers report sleeping 6 hours or less per day, which sleep experts consider too little.

Most adults need 7-8 hours of good quality sleep per night (good quality means that the main sleep episode does not have frequent awakenings and is long enough for the individual). People who force themselves to sleep less than their body needs often struggle to stay awake and function during the day. If you find yourself needing several cups of coffee a day to feel alert, it may be a sign that you are not getting enough good quality sleep. The Epworth Sleepiness Scale is a self-administered test that you can use to estimate your usual level of wakefulness compared to sleepiness that may be a cause for concern. Another way to determine your need for sleep duration is to observe how long you sleep towards the end of a relaxing two-week holiday, when you are not under time pressure and can sleep freely (wake up spontaneously, without alarm, and go to bed when tired).

This can give you an indication of how much rest your body needs in order to feel refreshed and energized. Getting enough quality sleep is essential for optimal health and wellbeing. If you find yourself struggling to stay awake during the day or needing several cups of coffee to feel alert, it may be a sign that you are not getting enough good quality sleep. The Epworth Sleepiness Scale is a self-administered test that can help you estimate your usual level of wakefulness compared to sleepiness that may be a cause for concern. Additionally, observing how long you sleep towards the end of a relaxing two-week holiday can give you an indication of how much rest your body needs in order to feel refreshed and energized.

Lena Dubler
Lena Dubler

Amateur analyst. Typical travel geek. Proud social media expert. Hipster-friendly travel buff. Avid coffee evangelist.

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