The Dangers of Sleeping Less Than 5 Hours a Night: What You Need to Know

Do you think you can survive on five hours of sleep a night? While it might be possible, it could increase the risk of developing multiple chronic diseases and even lead to an earlier death. Learn more about the dangers of sleeping less than 5 hours a night.

The Dangers of Sleeping Less Than 5 Hours a Night: What You Need to Know

Do you think you can survive on five hours of sleep a night? While it might be possible, it could increase the risk of developing multiple chronic diseases and even lead to an earlier death, according to a new study. Researchers found that adults age 50 and older who slept five hours or less a night had a higher risk of developing more of one chronic illness compared to their peers who slept seven hours. The findings were published on October 18 in the open access journal PLoS Medicine. The number of people who slept for so long was small, only 122 participants, so no firm conclusions can be drawn from this finding. However, if you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, the lack of sleep may be due to insomnia.

Similarly, not getting enough sleep is usually associated with high blood pressure, especially among middle-aged people. An analysis of 15 studies found that the short duration of sleep is related to an increased risk of developing or dying from coronary heart disease or stroke. If you need less than six hours of sleep each night and you have no symptoms of lack of sleep, you probably don't have insomnia. But if you fall asleep during meetings or exams or at the movies, consider yourself sleep-deprived. Older people may sleep less at night, in part, because they wake up frequently at night, but their need for sleep is no lower than that of younger adults. The brain remains active, recharges and continues to control many body functions, including breathing during sleep.

Short sleep syndrome describes people who can function normally on less than six hours of sleep each night. While you may not be able to train your body to sleep less, there are some things you can try to sleep faster and get a higher quality of sleep. Staying up late at night and sleeping late in the morning may increase people's chances of developing certain chronic diseases. If you can't SLEEP more than four to five hours a night (or less), you may be sleep-deprived. In addition, regular sleep interruptions caused by night terrors or the onset of sleep can also lead to lack of sleep. It is important to understand that sleeping fewer than five hours a night can have serious consequences for your health.

Not getting enough rest can lead to an increased risk of developing chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. It can also lead to an earlier death. If you are having trouble sleeping more than four to five hours a night, it is important to talk to your doctor about possible solutions. There are some things that you can do to help improve your quality and quantity of sleep such as avoiding caffeine late in the day and establishing a regular bedtime routine. It is also important to understand that while some people may be able to function normally on less than six hours of sleep each night, it is not recommended for everyone. Getting enough restful sleep is essential for good health and wellbeing.

Lena Dubler
Lena Dubler

Amateur analyst. Typical travel geek. Proud social media expert. Hipster-friendly travel buff. Avid coffee evangelist.

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